This new concept boasts the following features:

  • o Uses MixCapsVideo 3s
    capsule pods as independent containers that stand alone from the CapOmixVideo 8s
  • o Keeps products intact up the moment of consumption,
  • o Closes with an aluminium seal, which protects products from water, light, air, gas or other elements.
  • o Manufacturers can package, stock and market the MixCaps capsule pods, which are consumer goods, with or without the CapOmix device;
  • o Consumers may have a product use that is:
    • personalised, with correct, made-to-measure dosage,
    • according to their needs and tastes anywhere and at anytime,
    • with a secure and hygienic opening seal,
    • with highly soluble mixtures.
  • o Compatible with many forms of receiving containersVideo 7s
    ( bottleVideo 4s
    , feeding bottles, flasks, etc.).
The concept takes into account the needs of products, manufacturers and consumers.